Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Am Poem

Yesterday, I observed one of my pre-service teachers. During the course of introducing his students to the Harlem Renaissance using Langston Hughes' "Theme for English B," he had his students write an I Am poem using a template of line starters in stanzas. I decided to break from taking observation notes, and filled out the form poem myself:

I am a husband and a father;
I wonder if I am a good one.
I hear toy trucks crashing on the floor.
I see my son standing on the kitchen table.
I want to meet our new baby.
I am a husband and a father.

I pretend to be in control of my life.
I feel joy when my family laughs.
I touch my wife's belly.
I worry our new baby will breathe.
I cry at the thought of our children in pain.
I am a husband and a father.

I understand having children changes everything.
I say that you need to be tough.
I dream of family bike rides.
I try not to lose my temper.
I hope that I am a good one;
I am a husband and a father.

I know, pretty cheesy. I'm always encouraging my pre-service teachers to participate in the activities they assign, so I felt a need to do so as well.

I'm posting it here in hopes that you write one too; if you do let me know.


Colleen Martin said...

Thank you for sharing - I wrote one on our blog.

JC said...

Ok I had to try one. The last time I did a poem was to my wife. I think that was before we were married, so it has been a long time. At least 11 years, So I will have to post something about that on my blog too now that I said something cause I know she will see this.

Anonymous said...

As one who does share your sense of humor, I also found Erin's poem quite entertaining. I haven't had time to compose one of my own (been just a little busy) but plan to try my hand at it!
