Sunday, June 22, 2008

Big Bike Ride

Henry went on an epic ride yesterday: around the block! It's about 1.5 miles and includes side walk, bridge over 16, suspension bridge over Raccoon Creek, and bike path. I wanted to shoot some of his downhill action, but I couldn't operate the camera and spot him (running alongside) while he was bombing down the hills.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Grandma Winnie is so impressed with Little Henry's cycling skills. Looks like Dad has been working with him and Team Inferno will be keeping their eye on him, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Little Henry is advancing by leaps and bounds! It's hard to believe that he was just 2 years old in May. I agree with Winnie, Ryan is a marvelous teacher!

JC said...

Who made the bike?

Ryan said...

It's a Skuut. The idea is to get the balance and steering skills down first, then introduce pedals (skipping training wheels).