Friday, September 12, 2008

Good Job, Daddy

Sometimes it is a great feeling when Henry tells us, "Good job, Mommy" or "Good job, Daddy," like when we are drawing a picture with him. Sometimes it is just hilarious, like when we are sitting on the potty. Other times it comes across a bit sarcastic:

Pink House. Henry's favorite color is pink. He has discovered that if he dips sidewalk chalk in water he can get better coverage when he is "painting." I came around the corner the other day only to discover that he had "painted" several rows of siding pink on the back of the house. I explained to Henry that he was not to "paint" the house. I spent the next 30 minutes scrubbing the siding with water (and solvent in some parts). When I was all done, Henry said, "Good job, Daddy."

Locked In. We have a crazy garage door opener. Sometimes the button gets stuck and opens or closes the garage door at random. Henry and I were in the garage when the opener in the house shut the door on us. When the button is stuck on the opener, it cancels out the button in the garage. So we were stuck in the garage, and I was trying to figure out how to pop the pin before the automatic light went out. I finally found a pair of pliers and a hammer and got the door open. On cue, Henry said, "Good job, Daddy."

Diaper Disaster. Arthur considers a diaper change to be a wrestling match. He throws his head back, arches his back, and flips over like a wrestler not wanting to be pinned. Henry came in while I was in the thick of a nasty change/wrestling match. There was poop everywhere, and everything in the vicinity needed washed including much of what I was wearing. A half a box of wipes later, Henry said, "Good job, Daddy."

"Thanks, Henry."


Bruce said...

Very funny post!! Good job Ryan :)

JC said...

Pink is a great color! I wear a pink shirt, kind of wierd with shaved legs though, and at my age.