Monday, September 8, 2008


The lawn mower. Thanks Tracy and Matt. You'll get what you know you have coming (a really, really annoying toy for James) one of these days.

Tracy and Matt gave Henry a toy lawn mower for his 2nd birthday. It blows bubbles. As soon as I saw it, I hid the basement. When we moved, it made it on to the truck and has resurfaced in the living room.

Now Henry and Arthur are obsessed with mowing. So much so, that we now have mowing rules, e.g., no mowing in the kitchen, no mowing before Arthur wakes up or after he goes to bed, no mowing the dog, no mowing Arthur. You get the idea.

Sorry about the song (not really); I just thought it was funny that I could get my extended family to listen to an annoying song (some of you may listen to it more than once).

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